Shorty Olson

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July 30, 2007 – March 16, 2022


July 30, 2007  —  March 16, 2022

R.I.P. My Faithful Friend

You came into my life one day,

so happy and so smart

My constant companion,

loyal and loving from the start

You brought such love and laughter

into our happy home

With you sitting by my side,

I never felt alone

Now you have left me,

it’s almost more than I can bear

The house seems so empty

without you standing there

You no longer wait to greet me

as I walk through the door

You’re not there to make me smile,

to make me laugh anymore

Just for now I need time to mourn,

my broken heart to mend

Though some might say

“it’s just a dog”

I know I’ve lost a faithful friend

You were a great companion

so playful, loving and true

My heart will always wear

The pawprints left by you xxx