Buddy Homer West

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March 12, 2004 – October 1, 2018

Buddy was a beloved member of our family for 14 ½ years and was truly love, sweetness, kindness, gentleness, and joy.  He had the tough job of raising two young parents and two little boys, who were the apple of his eye.  He attended sporting events, sat through all the homework, helped bring joy into every holiday and birthday, and did a great job of being a faithful companion to all his family members, whether they were happy or sad.  Wherever his family was, he was in the middle of the activity.


We will always remember his friendly relationship with the rabbits in the yard and his moment of a lapse in judgment with the Thanksgiving turkey!  He could also pose for pictures like none other.  Most days, he taught us more about life than we taught him, and he made our lives better just by being there.  He couldn’t have been adored more.  We love you and will never forget you, Buddy!